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Oratorical Competition


Oratorical Competition
2013 Oratorical Topic: “How can the Church incorporate Bishop Blake’s Urban Initiatives in the community to reach the youth of today?”
The characteristic of oratory which distinguishes it from public speaking, in general, is its appeal to the emotions. No matter how clear, logical, or effective speaking may be, as long as it appeals primarily to the intellect, it remains public speaking.
When, however, emotions are touched — love, joy, hate, ambition — then speaking becomes oratory. And although oratory appeals powerfully to the emotions of the hearer, yet it is not necessarily preaching.
Oratory is composed of two elements: matter and manner. When one gives an oration, one should be certain of the content and substance of his/her oration.
Oratorical topics are received yearly from the National Coordinator. Orations must be original, and are to be done from memory. The time limit is 5-10 minutes.
Requirements: Oration must be 5 to 10 minutes and memorized.
Age Levels: Junior Level Ages 12-15 Senior Level Ages 16-22
Oratorical Competition
Judging Form
Each Category is worth 25 points
Contestant’s Name: _________________________________________
Contestant’s District: _________________________________________
Contestant’s Age: _________
Category I: CONTENT (doctrinally sound, scriptural reference, etc) _________
Category II: ORGANIZATION (logical, clear, proper introduction, conclusion, etc) _______
Category III: VERBAL DELIVERY (suitable inflection and emotion in voice, audible, etc) ______
Category IV: BODY LANGUAGE (gestures, poise, eye contact, dress and appearance) _______
TOTAL POINTS __________
____________________                           _________________________
Judge’s Signature                                     Chief Judge’s Signature